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Scientific research, preparation, collection and publication are carried out at the LWL Museum for Natural History. The museum publishes specialist books and three scientific journals and operates a specialist library of natural history.

Research at the LWL Museum for Natural History has a long tradition, going back to the 19th century. The museum scientists conduct research on geological, palaeontological, ecological and other biological issues. The research activity is closely related to the Westfalen-Lippe region and neighboring areas. Traditionally, it works in close cooperation with volunteer researchers as well as scientific working groups and associations. In the area of citizen science, various projects are running to study the occurrence of plants, fungi and animals in the region and over time together with citizens.

According to the law concerning the conservation of historical monuments of North Rhine-Westphalia, the museum is entrusted with the paleontological preservation of monuments in Westphalia-Lippe.